Want to boost your sales?

Hire me to boost your conversion rate by 2-10% with social proof. Even if you're short on time, team, or expertise.

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You've nailed the what and the why... Now it's time for the who

Make each step of your marketing funnel more successful by adding the perfect social proof.

From logos and testimonials to full-blown case studies - I'll make your message more believable, your brand more trustworthy, and your conversions go through the roof!

You'll win, when I...

  • Choose the right source of social proof for each step of your funnel
  • Craft the perfect social proof content that converts
  • Get buy-in from your customers & teach your team how to continue the success

Louis's advice is spot on, concrete and actionable. He helped boost my sales and saved me countless hours.

Join 30+ companies who grew conversion rates by 2-10%

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Louis Nicholls

Who you're hiring...

Before jumping full-time into social proof, I lead partnerships for a startup which raised over $15m. Before that, I built and sold my own SaaS company.

I'm also the author of the Social Proof Handbook and curate the Social Proof Gallery.

Prefer to do the heavy lifting in-house?

get the Social Proof Handbook

Get results now...

I've constantly delivered a 2-10% increase in conversion rates for 30+ clients.

We kick things off by working out what you want to achieve, and where/what kinds of social proof can get those results, using my social proof framework from the Social Proof Handbook.

After this one-day engagement, you can hire me to create the social proof, implement it in your marketing funnel and train your team to build on the success.

Funnel Analysis

A one-day consulting package where I analyse your goals and marketing funnel. At the end, you'll have an actionable plan of where and what kinds of social proof to implement in order to grow conversion rates by 2-10%


30+ businesses like yours booked this package and all made back at least 3x the price within 3 months...

© Louis Nicholls 2019. All rights reserved